The therapist's ability to listen and respond is the core of establishing an effective therapeutic relationship. This research-supported volume provides thorough models of listening and responding, using an easy to understand approach. Welch demonstrates how learning and responding skills can be learned, practiced, mastered, and embedded in a multicultural world setting where counselors and psychotherapists work with clients daily. Practice exercises are presented to develop listening and responding skills. Counselors, psychotherapists, and students from a variety of disciplines—including counseling, psychology, nursing, and social work—will find that this eclectic work transcends disciplines. Special attention is given to diversity, multicultural concerns, and counseling competencies.
This unique text holds particular appeal for those preparing to enter fields including psychotherapy, social work, school guidance programs, health, nursing, and pastoral counseling. It will also interest those at pre-practicum and practicum stages, as well as officials in training centers where students are placed for on-the-job experience. students are placed for on-the-job experience.