A compelling indictment of the Bush Administration's cynical,anti-democratic manipulation of the media
In this devastating analysis of American politics today, a formerDemocratic campaign advisor pulls back the curtain on the pervasivepolitical manipulation of the media-and reveals just how fragileour democracy is. From political ads and talk shows to mainstreammedia reporting, Glenn Smith shows how American political discourseis now dominated by carefully scripted images and rhetoric-most ofwhich benefit the Republicans and their corporate allies. Theresult is public apathy toward politics-and a real threat toAmerican freedom.
To reclaim our nation, Smith argues, we must revitalize politics atthe grassroots level-and liberals must realize that religion andspirituality are not antithetical to a progressive agenda. Foranyone troubled by manipulative political advertising,self-aggrandizing celebrity pundits, and the undiminished role ofmoney in politics, this necessary book lays out the full scope ofthe problem-and points the way toward solutions.
Glenn Smith (Austin, TX), a former journalist and politicalconsultant, managed MoveOn.org's Defending Democracy Campaign. Heis currently managing DriveDemocracy.org, a spin-off of MoveOn, anda consultant to the Rockridge Institute, a progressive think tank.