Glenn E. Wiggins John Wiley and Sons Ltd (1997) Kovakantinen kirja 37,90 € |
Louis I. Kahn - The Library at Phillips Exeter Academy "The Library at Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, NH, has won the Twenty-Five Year award from the American Institute of Architects. The award is bestowed annually on an American work of architecture that has proved its merit over a life of at least a quarter of a century. . The Exeter Library, which opened in 1971, was designed by Louis I. Kahn (1901-74). Kahn . accomplished something no one else had quite figured out how to do. He made modern buildings that achieved the timeless, monumental presence of the great works of the past. . Kahn respected books. 'Nobody ever paid the price of a book; they pay only for the printing,' he once said. Exeter is his attempt to embody, in brick and teak and marble and concrete, the essence of a particular kind of institution: the house of books, the library." --Robert Campbell, The Boston Globe, January 11, 1997 This groundbreaking CD-ROM will bring you as close to the Library at Philips Exeter Academy as you can get without actually visiting it. The disc includes:
â video clips of the library's exterior and interior
â animated plans and sections
â hundreds of exterior and interior color photographs
â audio explanations by the author
â archival audio recordings of Kahn's lectures
â illustrated descriptions of five other projects by Kahn
System Requirements: Macintosh??: 68040 or Power PC processor; Apple??System 7.0 or higher; 5MB of free RAM (8MB recommended); 8-bit video display (16- or 24-bit recommended); 14-inch color monitor; 2X CD-ROM drive. Windows??: 80486 or Pentium-compatible processor; Windows??; 3.1 or higher; 4MB of free RAM ## ommended); 640 x 480 color monitor; 2X CD-ROM drive; MPC-compatible sound card; speaker##