The Nelson Maths: Australian Curriculum program supports the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics content strands of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability F-6, and integrates the proficiency strands of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning throughout the activities and tasks.
This edition of Nelson Maths provides: - up to 33 units of work, specifically written to match the Australian Curriculum - extensive assessment opportunities including 30+ Assessment Task Cards, Student Assessment pages and Mid- and End-of-Year Tests - numerous hands-on tasks and investigative activities where teachers have the opportunity to choose tasks that best suit the needs of their students - interactive activities in every unit, incorporating ICT and utilising classroom computers and interactive whiteboards - an extensive range of interactive Nelson Teaching Objects and reference to Learning Objects from Education Services Australia - specific recommendations for future learning experiences, including both scaffolded and extension activities - over 50 unit, resource, assessment and planning BLMs.