Argumentation: Inquiry and Advocacy presents a coherent introduction to the fundamental concepts of argumentation and debate, argumentation theory, and critical thinking. As the title suggests, the student learns how to use argumentation effectively as a means of discovering what is worthy of belief and for gaining the support of others.
Now comprised of nineteen in-depth chapters, this text offers a broad view of argumentation which allows instructors flexibility in selecting both theoretical and practical perspectives. The first two sections discuss the field invariant concepts of critical inquiry, which have traditionally formed the core of argumentation courses. These chapters feature such concepts as issues, propositions, data, inductive and deductive forms of argument, and fallacies. The third section examines the application of argumentation in advocacy situations. Students will learn about propositions of fact/value and policy, the implication of argument fields and the narrative paradigm on the development and evaluation of argument, and the unique rhetorical challenges involved in communication arguments. The final section is especially useful to those who teach argumentation in the context of academic debate. The various formats of academic debate are described and in-depth consideration of affirmative and negative strategies is provided. There is a much expanded treatment of disadvantages. The discussion of refutation and cross-examination is comprehensive and useful to both academic debaters and non-debaters.