The present paper describes a molluscan occurrence, rich in macrofossils, of the Burdi- galian north of Fels am Wagram in Lower Austria. In the course of several years, various gentlemen and the author had collected i.a. a rich microfauna which had not yet been known to exist in the Austrian Burdigalian and which made the beds-of little local extent- appear to be particularly interesting. There were established 166 species and subspecies (thereof described Lamellibranchiata: 48, Scaphopoda: 1, Gastropoda: 47), the most important of which were dipicted. A supple- ment to the systematic part shows the accompanying fauna so as to furnish as complete as possible a faunal picture. As regards the Austrian Miocene there were found some new genera: Cyrtodaria DAUDIN 1799, Angulus Mergerle von MUEHLFELD 1811, Burtinella MOERCH 1861, Drepanocheilus MEEK and many new species marked with a cross (]) in the comparative list of faunas. Moreover, the following species and subspecies were newly described: Astarte (Tridonta) levigrandis nov. spec. Cardium (Cardium) ritter-gulderi nov. spec. Cardium (Cerastoderma) edule felsense nov. subspec. Cardium (Rudicardium) grande tereticostales nov. subspec. Dentalium (Antale) kickxi transiens nov. subspec.