How do you secure your IP network without destroying it? The IPsec protocols are the only viable standard for secure, network-layer transmission on IP, yet they can wreak havoc on critical applications and other enhanced network services. Interoperability problems between vendors, as well as limitations in the basic technology, can cause problems that range from annoying to disastrous. This book tells you how IPsec works (or doesn't work) with other technologies, describes how to select products that will meet your needs, and discusses legal issues critical to IPsec deployment.
This hands-on guide will help you to:
? Analyze how and why IPsec may break existing networks
? Combine IPsec with other enhanced IP services and applications
? Determine the causes of IPsec performance problems and protocol conflicts
? Understand how existing laws and regulatory trends may impact your use of IPsec products
? Understand the basic technological components of IPsec
? Evaluate IPsec vendors and products
Networking council
Networking Council Books put technology into perspective for decision-makers who need an implementation strategy, a vendor and outsourcing strategy, and a product and design strategy. Series advisors are four of the most influential leaders of the networking community:
Lyman Chapin-Chief Scientist at BBN/GTE and founding trustee of the Internet Society
Scott Bradner-Director of the Harvard University Network Device Test Lab, trustee of the Internet Society, and ISOC VP of Standards
Vinton Cerf-Senior Vice President at MCI/WorldCom and current chair of the Internet Society
Ed Kozel- Senior VP for Corporate Development at Cisco Systems and member of the Board of Directors
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