Investor Protection Litigation is the ideal first resource for law students, investment fund managers, lawyers, and investors in general who want to know--in the most understandable, straightforward language--when and how to initiate litigation in U.S. courts to protect the rights of investors. It is the preeminent introductory text concerning the legal protection for litigation related to false disclosures at the time of investment purchases, or breaches of duties owed to investors after purchase. As investing improprieties, errors, and scams have become an even bigger part of our economic landscape since the 2008 credit crisis, it is imperative for legal and financial experts alike to be as familiar as they can with these types of issues. As a reference on litigating cases related to protecting consumers and investors, Investor Protection Litigation in the United States is an invaluable resource in teaching those new to the field, as well as seasoned experts, the basics of this growing field of legal action.
This book, the first of its kind available as related to the U.S. legal system, includes chapters on securities claims, corporate governance and fiduciary duties, class/derivative/individual actions, arbitration, jurisdiction and standing, hedge funds/investment managers, and more. There is no title more complete that covers such a wide breadth of highly focused information. Investor Protection Litigation in the United States will be a staple of legal-office libraries, investment manager resources, and law student required reading for years to come.