An extraordinary new science fiction novel. A first class ride blending elements of Asian and American cultures in a tale of greed, espionage, intrigue on a planet terrapopulated by expatriates from Earth. This story races to its conclusion like a first-rate movie, Captivating. Perfect for the modern reader who expects a thrilling ride in half the time. Here's the story: TERRA NOVA, 2041 A.D. You awaken from a drug induced sleep to find your parents dead. The killers are rummaging through your father's office. You learn they want to kill everyone associated with you?and kill you, too! But you don't know why. You flee. Taking your parents' hover, you fly south to New Amsterdam where you meet a young lady looking for a lover to help her pay the rent. In exchange she'll give you all the comfort you need. During your stay you dig into some secret journals that you brought from your father's house. Reading, you learn the shocking truth. The people who raised you are not your parents, they are your Doctors?scientists, to be exact. You are not an ordinary boy. You are a hybrid, a Homo sapien-extraterrestrial. As you learn this two things are happening: the dominant extraterrestrial Dactoid gene inside your body is causing you to mutate into something unkown to Man; meanwhile, special agent Sirius Kind has been hired by Dr. Python, the head scientist who created you, to track you down and take you into custody before an assassin named "The Librarian," erases you from your story. What will you do?