D. Duane Cummins describes this book as "an appreciative biography"; Cummins' approach combines the warmth of personal acquaintance with a lucid and well-researched account of Teegarden's life. Kenneth Teegarden was born in Cushing, Oklahoma, in 1921, "a fourth-generation Oklahoman and a sixth-generation Disciple," and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) never lost its importance in his life. Teegarden served as general minister and president of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for many years. He was a central figure in planning and explaining the new ""design"" of the church through the Commission for Brotherhood Restructure and was ""a powerful and constant advocate of peace with justice,"" working toward the passage of peace resolutions and encouraging racial integration in the battle for civil rights. Kenneth Teegarden was minister in residence at the Brite Divinity School after he resigned as general minister and president of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and he continued to teach and mentor students, parishioners, friends, and family until his death in 2002.