Andrew Bartlett; Ebony Alleyne; Elizabeth Boon; Suzanne Chalmers; Dr. Cyril Chern; Michael Curtis; Michele Gregorio; Edwa LexisNexis UK (2011) Irtolehti
Dispute boards were first introduced almost 20 years ago. Since then close to $100 billion US dollars worldwide has been spent on construction projects that have used dispute boards. Of these, 98% were constructed without any court battles and of the remaining 2%, the dispute board decisions were upheld by either arbitration and/or the court: a truly impressive record. Yet very little is known about what dispute boards are and how they operate.
This book provides the knowledge necessary for those actively involved in dispute board work as well as for those who need to learn the process. Important features of the book include:
analysis of the differences between dispute adjudication boards, dispute resolution boards and combined dispute boards
in-depth discussion of both the existing and historical international case law on dispute boards, including its history under the British common law, European civil law and Muslim Shar ah law
analysis of the differences between the various major standard forms of dispute board rules FIDIC, International Chamber of Commerce and DBFederation - along with sample wording to add to or modify these forms as needed.
analysis of how referrals are made to dispute boards and sample forms.
an in-depth discussion of the ethical requirements relating to dispute board members
comparison of board selection techniques with guidelines for implementation and recommendations for the parties
sample forms for use in establishing a dispute board
discussion of site visits, how they should be conducted and sample forms
general forms for use in operating a dispute board, form agendas, form reports and their use
how to use a dispute board as a sounding board for grievances
in depth discussion of how to write a decision or recommendation with examples of actual dispute board decisions and recommendations
disclosure forms, questionnaires for potential board members, and comparison of board member agreements and sample forms
a discussion of how to effectively use witnesses and the preparation and presentation of witness statements in dispute board hearings
forms of notice and procedural rules governing the operation of dispute boards
international case studies with claims, responses and decisions
analysis of situations requiring the removal of dispute board members and form agreements for their removal
discussion of the use of dispute boards in areas other than construction.