The need for health and social services to be trauma- and violence-informed has never been so pressing. In the wake of COVID-19, racial violence intensified and violence against women spiked globally. Mental health for many is worsening, while the ongoing toxic drug overdose crisis provides horrendous evidence of the impact of trauma, violence, stigma, and social inequities. Service providers across sectors are increasingly impacted by these dynamics and, without supportive environments, are burning out.
Implementing Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care aims to support health and social service organizations and providers to create environments, policies, and practices to mitigate the harms of structural and interpersonal violence and the trauma that ensues. The book is organized around case examples of trauma- and violence-informed care (TVIC) implementation and impact in diverse settings, providing how-to guidance for getting started, sustaining momentum, and assessing outcomes. The book describes the importance of TVIC at multiple levels, from individual practices to organizational protocols and system-level policies, emphasizing TVIC’s alignment with system transformation goals. In doing so, the book presents TVIC as a call to action to improve service user experiences and outcomes, efficient and effective use of resources, and the health and well-being of staff, while addressing and reducing health and social inequities.