This volume contains revised and expanded versions of the papers presented at th the 15 Monterey Workshop, held during September 24-26, 2008 in Budapest, Hungary. The Monterey Workshops series was initiated in 1993 by Dr. David Hislop, a longtime program manager at the U. S. Army Research O?ce, with the purpose of exploring the critical problems associated with cost-e?ective development of high-qualitysoftwaresystems. During their 15-yearhistory,the MontereyWo- shops have brought together scientists that share a common interest in software development research serving practical advances in next-generation softwa- intensive systems. Each year is dedicated to a particular topic of critical - portance. In recent years, workshop topics were "Innovations for Requirement Analysis: From Stakeholders Needs to Formal Designs" (2007 in Monterey, C- ifornia), "Composition of Embedded Systems, Scienti?c and Industrial Issues" (2008inParis,France),"NetworkedSystems:RealizationofReliableSystemson Unreliable NetworkedPlatforms" (2005in Laguna Beach,California), "Software Engineering Tools: Compatibility and Integration"(2004 in Vienna, Austria), "Engineering for Embedded Systems: From Requirements to Implementation" (2003 in Chicago, Illinois), "Radical Innovations of Software and Systems En- neering in the Future" (2002 in Venice, Italy). The topic of the 2008 workshop was "Foundations of Computer Software, Future Trends and Techniques for Development. " Modern computer systems manage very large amounts of information, performing complex computations in a distributed way. At the same time, there is a need to display information in a way that aids human actors in the interpretation of this information and in decision making.