Thousands of networking professionals are seeking better ways to master VMware virtualization and prepare for the VCP-310 certification exam. You need information you can absolutely trust: information that's simple and accessible enough for you to start using immediately. That's where VMware VCP 310 Video Mentor comes in. In more than 10 hours of personal, interactive video mentoring, top VMWare virtualization expert Chris McCain walks you through all the essential techniques you'll need to pass your VCP-310 exams, and succeed with VMWare virtualization in production environments. McCain demonstrates every task on live equipment, in the context of real-world scenarios. Coverage includes: ESX 3.5 and ESXi principles and deployment techniques; deploying VirtualCenter 2.5; creating and managing virtual networks; managing datastores for Virtual Infrastructure 3 (VI3); deploying and managing virtual machines; managing VI; optimizing resource utilization; monitoring performance; business continuity, and more. This DVD's videos incorporate audio instruction, video screencasts showing every command; animations, lab diagrams, and more: everything you need to fully understand the tasks t you're watching. There's never been a more efficient, cost-effective VMware training solution.
More than 10 hours of personal instruction from a top VMware expert: all IT professionals need to configure and troubleshoot virtualization in any environment
State-of-the-art mentoring in a convenient, flexible, highly-visual format
Covers all VCP-310 exam topics: ESX 3.5, ESXi, VirtualCenter 2.5, VI3, virtual networks, VMs, utilization, performance, business continuity, and more