A comprehensive guide explaining how to create simulations of international relations for the purposes of both teaching and research. Hemda Ben-Yehuda, Luba Levin-Banchik, and Chanan Naveh offer as a model their hallmark “World Politics Simulations Project,” which involves participants representing various states, nonstate actors, and media organizations embroiled in an international political crisis. Following the trajectory of a simulation, the authors describe theory, implementation, and analysis. Starting with a typology of simulations, they present a framework for selecting the most suitable one for a given teaching situation, based on academic setting, goals, costs, and other practical considerations. They then provide step-by-step instructions for creating simulations on cyber platforms, particularly Facebook, complete with schedules, guidelines, sample forms, teaching tips, and student exercises. Throughout the simulation, and especially during the final analysis, they explain how to reinforce learning and foster critical thinking, creativity, teamwork, and other essential skills. The authors conclude with suggestions for using data gathered during a simulation for scholarly research. Instructors in both introductory and advanced courses in political science, international relations, media, history, and area studies—as well as leaders of professional training programs in the civil and military service and media organizations—will find this guide invaluable.