Brendler, Thomas (PhytoPharm Consulting, Berlin, Germany); Gruenwald, Joerg, Ph.D. (PhytoPharm Consulting, Berlin, Germany); Jae Taylor & Francis Inc (2003) C-kasetti 160,80 € |
Completely revised and updated, Herbal Remedies on CD-ROM, Fifth Edition provides information on more than 1,100 plants and 1,200 drugs, including general descriptions, etymology of names, botanical descriptions, habitats, toxicities, scientific synonyms, and vernacular names. You get essentially 4,500 pages worth of printed information in an easily accessible and searchable format. Plant MonographsGeneral descriptionEtymology of namesBotanical descriptionHabitat, flowering, and harvesting timesToxicity and protection statusBotanical synonyms and related speciesScientific synonymsVernacular namesMore than 1,500 color photographsImages and/or historical drawings of the plant or details of the plantList of related drugs Drug MonographsUsage Dosage Modes of action Use restrictions Characteristics Substances Scientific synonyms Vernacular names IndicationsQuality and safety statusReferences to international pharmacopoeias other literature The information can be searched by scientific names and synonyms; vernacular names with subselection of a language; substances with subselection of substance groups; indications with subselection of indication groups; and pharmacopoeias. It includes a complete reference list, a glossary, and a substance list with CAS references. With its flexible format and easy-to-use search capabilities, Herbal References on CD-ROM gives you rapid access to the information you use on a daily basis.