The book ‘Integrated Science to achieve Sustainable Development Goals’ debates how different fields of study can confront or mitigate problems or contribute together to the development of society. In brief, it is a book about the interdisciplinarity of knowledge surrounding the topics in society that are involved in the world development agenda.
There is an increasing recognition of the importance of achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) set in the UN agenda 2030. The book seeks to address the need for the integration of multidisciplinary fields of knowledge to achieve the seventeen SDGs. The book was developed with contributions from established and well-known scholars in different fields. It is interdisciplinary in nature and international in scope, intending to bring out a collection of state-of-the-art/cutting-edge knowledge on policies to achieve the 17 SDGs as well as a range of actionable recommendations for future developments in the different fields with the purpose of addressing the Agenda 2030. The integration of different disciplines (including sociology, health, education, psychology, business, economics, political science, environmental studies and urban planning) in a complex problem like societal development gives this book the challenge to be an authoritative tool with guidelines for the entire community and for policymakers as well.
Each chapter presents the state of the art of a topic considered important to achieve SDGs. The authors explain how their field contributes to the achievement of one or more SDGs, including the main theories and examples of empirical evidence that may guide society in using such knowledge to contribute to societal impact.