Schemes of Arrangement is a practical examination of the legal and commercial aspects of schemes of arrangement, for corporate restructuring in mergers and acquisitions and insolvency scenarios. All aspects of the scheme of arrangement are covered. In the mergers and acquisitions context, practical issues covered include the preparation of scheme documentation, the determination of classes, requirements for first and second court hearings, practical observance of s.411(17), valuations, and matters arising from the Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee's report from December 2009.
In the insolvency setting, there is discussion of matters arising from the recent insolvencies of Sons of Gwalia, Opes Prime, Lehman Brothers and Lift Capital.
Schemes of Arrangement includes a list summarising all schemes of arrangement in Australia between 2004 and 2010, referring to the court approval decisions from each hearing. A check list for a scheme of arrangement in a mergers and acquisitions context is also included.
All royalties from this work are being directed towards the Indigenous Legal Scholarship program at the University of Western Australia, Law School.