Constraint programming (CP) is a powerful programming paradigm for the declarativedescription and the e?ective solving of largecombinatorialproblems. Basedonastrongtheoreticalfoundation,itisincreasinglyattractingcommercial interest. Since the 1990s, CP has been deployed by many industry leaders, in particular to model heterogeneous optimization and satisfaction problems. - amples of application domains where such problems naturally arise, and where constraint programming has made a valuable contribution, are scheduling, p- duction planning, communication networks, routing, planning of satellite m- sions, robotics, and bioinformatics. This volumecontainsthe papers selectedfor the post-proceedingsof the13th International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Progr- ming(CSCLP2008)heldduringJune18-20,2008inRome,Italy.Thisworkshop was organized as the 13th meeting of the working group on Constraints of the EuropeanResearchConsortiumforInformaticsandMathematics(ERCIM),c- tinuing a series of workshops organized since the creation of the working group in 1997. A selection of papers of these annual workshops plus some additional contributions have been published since 2002 in a series of volumes which ill- trate the evolutioninthe ?eld, under the title "RecentAdvances in Constraints" in the Lecture Notes in Arti?cial Intelligence series.