BEING ILLEGAL IN A STRANGE CUNTRY WASN'T EASY, BUT IF YOU JUST HAVE FAITH AND HOLD ON TO YOUR INTEGRITY BE OPTISMISTIC NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER QUIT SOMEWHERE UP AHEAD THERE IS HOPE WAITING FOR YOU NO MATTER HOW DARK IT SEEMS JUST PRAY AND BELIEVE YOU WILL RECEIVE HELP FROM THE INVISIBLE HANDS Being in a strange country far away from home is not for the faint hearted, I felt so afraid I hope and trust that through my experience you will know who Jesus is, he is a rewarder to them that diligently seek him there is hope in Jesus, there is life, there is peace, joy and happiness, if you only wait on Him.
Through all my ups and down I learn how to lean upon Jesus, when men on earth have fail JESUS NEVER failed, He is infallible, I met some interesting characters on my way some were insignificant and some significant but thank God they all played a part in my journey no matter how bad it seems they all pass through my life for a reason.
Whatever anyone done you in life be quick to forgive until it hurts no more, unforgiveness make you bitter and angry every day, when the other person is happy you spent your time been miserable, you have to learn how to forgive for when your ways are pleasing to God He make your enemy be at peace with you.