Essays, films, and other work featured in Analog Cookbook 6:
* "The Allure: or how I shot my directorial debut on 16mm film + some tips for those looking to direct a narrative work on analog" an essay by Joanna Decc * "we breathe each other in and out of existence" an installation by Archer Boyette * "Big Agnes Ascent" a pinhole 16mm film by Kevin Obsatz * "Letter from Korlai" a short essay film by Aman Wadhan * "Trengellick Rising: A Cornish language short film and deep dive into a cinematic rabbit hole" an essay by Guy Potter * "Building an Edge" by Britany Gunderson; "Cyanotype Madness: A Timeline" essay and recipe by Gabby Sumney * "The Garden of Eden: Solar Equator + Iceland: Land of Fire and Ice" anthotype series by Alejandra Orjuela * "The Perfect Human" film by Lilan Yang; "King Presley" a documentary by Giovanni Tortorici; "The Samsara I Saw" film by Gabriel D. Evaristo * "Once + that I have broken into two" essay and film by Ellery Bryan * "Sun Coming and Casting a Shadow" film by Daniel Robin * "This Little Light of Mine: Why is Experimental Cinema the best way to talk about epilepsy?" an essay by Malo Sutra Fish * "Movement and Potential in analog futures" an essay and recipe by Ciccio Coppola * "Music Film and Series of darkroom lightgraphic prints" by Elvira Akzigitova * "My Selves Dissolving + Weekend Control By N~KURFEW" film by Danielle Wakin * "Rainbow Tunnel Films" artist-run full service creative studio by Claire Donohue and Sarah Phenix