The poet's way is eternal ... Anatoly Polotno's work is not limited to one or two topics, here are simple truths about love, friendship, fidelity, destiny, beauty of nature, the theme of the history of Russia ...
Texts of Anatoly Polotno are kind, beautiful, and bright characters are endowed with spiritual purity and charm. The manner of performance carries an obvious sincerity and sincere openness. The roots of creativity, in the opinion of most admirers of talent Anatoly Polotno, are in the image of our life. The songs are true, there is no dirt in them, kindness overcomes them. Melodious and rich in intonations and strength of voice, which is impossible not to distinguish from thousands of others ...
01.Bereg (feat. Fedja Karmanov)
02.Ikh Umom Rossiju Ne Ponjat
03.Vsjo V Porjadke (feat. Fedja Karmanov)
04.Minuty Schastja
05.O Ljubvi
06.S Dnjom Rozhdenija! (feat. Fedja Karmanov)
07.Maldivy (feat. Fedja Karmanov)
09.Potolkuem Davaj
10.Staroe Tango (feat.Olga Polotno)