The purpose of the EMSOFT Workshop, inaugurated last year at Lake Tahoe, is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the foundations and methods of embedded software design with the goal of improving subst- tially the state of the art and stimulating the debate between researchers and designers. The scope of the EMSOFT Workshop spans all aspects of embedded software, including operating systems and middleware, programming languages and compilers, modeling and validation, software engineering and programming methodologies, scheduling and execution-time analysis, formal methods, c- munication protocols and fault tolerance. While the ?rst Workshop included only invited papers because of the need to establish a common framework and a basis for the scienti?c contributions, for this second EMSOFT, we attempted to strike a balance between invited and selected contributions. The program included 17 selected and 13 invited c- tributions. The invited speakers were: Giorgio Buttazzo (University of Pavia), PaoloFaraboschi(Hewlett-PackardLaboratories),NicolasHalbwachs(Verimag), DavidHarel(WeizmannInstitute),ChristophKirsch(UniversityofCaliforniaat Berkeley), Luciano Lavagno (Politecnico di Torino and Cadence Research Labs), Nancy Leveson (MIT), Sharad Malik (Princeton), Al Mok (University of Texas at Austin), Amir Pnueli (Weizmann Institute), Lui Sha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Douglas Schmidt (University of California at Irvine), and Bran Selic (Rational).