David Vaughan CBE QC; Aidan Robertson QC Oxford University Press (2007) Irtolehti 1326,40 € |
Law of the European Union The enhanced Law of the European Union looseleaf service covers the institutional framework of the EU, the structure and procedure of the courts, general principles and interpretation of EU law and the four basic freedoms underpinning the operation of the common market. In addition, the work includes detailed analysis of the various sectors of industry and commerce on which EU law has an increasing impact and of the various policy areas which EU legislation and regulation is constantly developing. The editors and authors are among the most distinguished lawyers specialising in European Union law. The subject by subject format provides a narrative statement of the law, regulations, directives, decisions and cases, with full citation to the source material and authorities for each proposition advanced.
This major work was formerly published by Butterworths but was then taken over and relaunched by Richmond Law & Tax in 2002, with an ongoing programme under way to reissue all of the chapters on a rolling basis. Those already reissued are shown in capitals below, while those shown in normal text are still forthcoming. Now part of the Oxford law list, the programme to reissue the work will be continued with the aim of completing the process over the next 18 to 24 months.
Managing editor: Anzhela Yevgenyeva