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Keep Up with the Latest Refining Processes and Issues Involved in Producing Biofuels on a Commercial Scale
Biofuels Refining and Performance is a state-of-the-art guide that explores the chemistry of biofuels, the latest refining processes, and major performance characteristics, presenting complete discussions of the theory and experimental procedures used to prepare biofuels economically.
Written by an international team of biofuels experts, this book fully examines various conventional and nonconventional sources of energy…photosynthetic plants as a renewable source of energy…fuels from biomass conversion…the refining of ethanol, methanol, and biodiesel…biofuel cells…soft/decentralized renewables as an energy option for developing countries…and much more. Packed with 80 detailed illustrations, Biofuels Refining and Performance features:
Comprehensive guidance on the chemistry of biofuels On-target coverage of the newest refining methods for ethanol, methanol, and biodiesel Cutting-edge information on engine conversion techniques and the performance characteristics of biofuels Step-by-step instructions for safe handling and storage