Without question, studying the Bible can be one of the most rewarding experiences of the Christian life. Unfortunately, if you are ill-equipped, studying the Bible can also be intensely frustrating. For example, how do we know when the Bible is being literal and when it's being figurative-and how can we tell the difference without a degree in theology? What do history and culture have to do with studying the Bible? Are there principles for interpreting parables, allegories, prophecies? Is Revelation different? Because questions like these are inescapable, "Understinding Scripture: How to read and Study the Bible" is a must for the individual interested in maximizing his or her time in Bible study.This book arose out of Alvera and Berkeley Mickelsen's life-long passion for helping people understand the Bible and its significance for their lives. Now in a thorough revision of the 1978 edition co-authored with her husband, Alvera Mickelsen once again shows how principles of interpreting God's word can make Scripture come alive in an unprecedented way.