The Petty Officer's Guide is written and edited by petty officers for petty officers. It is designed to ensure Navy Petty Officers are ready to fight and win wars at sea, under the sea, in the air, on land, and in outer space and cyberspace by exposing junior Petty Officers to innovative and modern leadership methodologies. Serving as the premiere leadership guide to junior Navy Petty Officers, it enhances development processes and tools such as the Navy Leader Development Framework, Education for Sea Power, Sailor 360, and Enlisted Leader Development courses. Furthermore, it reinforces modern lines of effort identified in the Chief of Naval Operations' Design for Maritime Superiority and promotes the development of innovative leaders and strategic thinkers. This guide provides unique insights into the values, beliefs, attitudes, and skills that enable the success of naval leaders, how Petty Officers can use power bases, influence tactics, and managerial skills to achieve objectives, and how to influence their peers in support of organizational objectives to achieve the mission accomplishment.