Ember, Nimbus and the children work as a team to find all the hidden quarters in the Moon Tail Island treasure hunt. Will they find all the clues before the other dragons and claim the treasure? The race is on!
Stories for Maths helps develop maths mastery through the power of story.
This series aligns with the White Rose Maths schemes of learning. Each book has questions at the bottom of the pages and an activity page at the end of the story, which help to draw out that learning by asking questions and encouraging talk about maths. The answers to the questions appear at the end of the book. Key maths words and phrases are also highlighted in each book, further helping to deepen understanding and grow children's mathematical skills.
The books in Year 2/Primary 3 are designed for a child to be able to read independently.
This book aligns with White Rose Maths for Year 2, Fractions, Step 2. Equal and unequal parts, Step 5. Recognize a quarter.
Illustrated by: Lisa Hunt