A guide to combining two powerful management techniques totransform any business organization into a masterpiece of businessefficiency. Lester Dean Thurow, Dean of MIT's Sloan School ofManagement, recently stated that benchmarking combined with processengineering will be the most important management technique of the1990s. Now, in this groundbreaking book, Gregory Watson describeshow top corporations worldwide have already successfullyimplemented that powerful cutting-edge technique--which he calls"business systems engineering"--to promote continuous improvement.More importantly, he clearly demonstrates how you can do the samein your organization.
* Introduces business systems engineering, a dynamic new approachto rethinking and redesigning business processes to achievedramatic improvements in quality, cost, service, speed, andmore
* Offers clear guidelines for using business systems engineeringtechniques to make your organization more dynamic, productive, andable to adapt to change in today's global marketplace
* Incorporates key aspects of TQM, business process improvement,policy deployment, industrial engineering, teamwork, problemsolving, and information technology into one holistic system
* Includes business systems engineering success stories, includingthose at Compaq, United Services Automobile Association andMotorola, as well as a survey of the effect of systems changeacross the global automobile industry