David Stannard's book focuses on the larger social and cultural issues involved in the invasion of America by European nations. The first two chapters of the book describe the Americas prior to this invasion and detail the variety of rich cultures that existed then. Another chapter deals with the Spanish and Portuguese invasion of Central and South America and describes the devastation left inthe wake of these invasions. A fourth chapter describes the effects of English invaders in North America and of the further suppression of native peoples in American colonial times. In the final section, titles "Sex, Race, and Holy War," two chapters examine the kind of people who waged these "holy" wars and focus on the cultural sources and the ideological content of their invasion efforts. There is also an Epilogue, and an Appendix titled "On Racism and Genocide."
This is a highly controversial book that is certain to have a major place in the Columbus Anniversary discussions next year. It is an angry, provocative book. In contrast to other recent books on the subject, however. Stannard's book is by a recognized scholar (who has already written a well-received monograph Before the Horror on the South Pacific aspects of the subject) and has based his study on wide historical research.