As a culture, we are increasingly failing to respect young boyhood, pathologising normal boy behaviour and foisting burdensome and stigmatising diagnoses of ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, bipolar disorder, and more on boys as young as three years old. The result, as Dr. Anthony Rao passionately argues in "The Way of Boys", is nothing less than a crisis in boyhood, with ever-increasing numbers of boys being treated and medicated for problems they simply don't have. In this practical and accessible guide to the distinct challenges of raising young boys into good men, Dr. Rao urges parents, educators, pediatricians, psychologists, and other developmental experts to reevaluate and radically alter how we deal with our youngest boys. He teaches parents how to rear their sons with respect for their natural development right from the start, which gives them the best shot at growing into confident and healthy men ready to make their unique contributions to the world.