Q&A Course Review
Fundamentals made manageable!
Assure your mastery of the fundamentals of nursing while developing your critical-thinking, clinical judgment, and test-taking skills. Over 1,200 classroom-tested, NCLEX®-style questions—including more than 440 alternate-item-format questions prepare you for success now and on the Next Gen NCLEX®. An easy-to-follow format organizes information into 25 content areas. Each question provides answers and rationales for correct and incorrect responses and strategies for how to develop your critical-thinking skills.
FREE, 30-day access to Davis Edge NCLEX-RN® included with purchase of a new print book. This online Q&A platform lets you create practice quizzes with more than 10,000 NCLEX-style questions; review proven test-taking strategies; and prepare for the biggest test of your career with simulated NCLEX exams.
Amazing!“Amazing book!! Highly recommend if you are just getting into nursing school...This book brought my grades up A LOTTT!!!”—Alayna
Great Book.“Love this book! Lots of NCLEX-style questions and easy to use with what you are learning at the time!”—Theresa W.
Highly recommend“Love this book! I am a very bad test-taker and this book has helped me so much. I highly recommend for fundamentals nursing class.”—Amy
A must have!
“This book gets you prepped for nursing exam questions—KEC
Great for Fundamentals HESI“Highly recommend this book for the fundamentals HESI. It’s also useful throughout the entire first semester of nursing school. The rationales are helpful, and each chapter helps you narrow down what’s important to study.”—ALyn
Updated! Content to reflects the latest NCLEX-RN® test plan
New! Information on the Next Generation NCLEX® and the new question formats
New! Unfolding case studies that focus on developing clinical judgment skills and preparing for the Next Gen NCLEX
New & Updated! Incorporates the evolution of technology, current standards of practice, changes in medications, and the information on evidence-based practice
Updated! The newest evidence and changes in health care
Alternate-format questions, including multiple-choice, select-all-that-apply, fill-in-the blank, ordered response, graphic, and chart/exhibit items
Rationales for correct and incorrect responses
100-question comprehensive final exam at the end of the book
Glossary of more than 250 common English words often found on nursing tests
All questions field tested by nursing students and an expert panel of nurse educators