Advanced Multimedia Content Processing - First International Conference, AMCP'98, Osaka, Japan, November 9-11, 1998, Proceedings
This volume is the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Multimedia Content Processing (AMCP ’98). With the remarkable advances made in computer and communication hardware/software system technologies, we can now easily obtain large volumes of multimedia data through advanced computer networks and store and handle them in our own personal hardware. Sophisticated and integrated multimedia content processing technologies, which are essential to building a highly advanced information based society, are attracting ever increasing attention in various service areas, including broadcasting, publishing, medical treatment, entertainment, and communications. The prime concerns of these technologies are how to acquire multimedia content data from the real world, how to automatically organize and store these obtained data in databases for sharing and reuse, and how to generate and create new, attractive multimedia content using the stored data. This conference brings together researchers and practitioners from academia, in dustry, and public agencies to present and discuss recent advances in the acquisition, management, retrieval, creation, and utilization of large amounts of multimedia con tent. Artistic and innovative applications through the active use of multimedia con tent are also subjects of interest. The conference aims at covering the following par ticular areas: (1) Dynamic multimedia data modeling and intelligent structuring of content based on active, bottom up, and self organized strategies. (2) Access archi tecture, querying facilities, and distribution mechanisms for multimedia content.