This book aims to develop young children's interest and enjoyment in reading. You can use it in many ways to help young children to learn to read. It can also help older children, who can read a little, to become better readers. The book teaches the names of different items of clothing, and a little about sizes, shapes and colours. You, or an older child, could share the book with a young child. Begin by talking about the pictures on the cover. Ask the child to tell you what they can see, and what they think the book might be about. Ask the child if they have been to a party. If so, what did they do there? What did they eat? What did they wear? Then, go through the book page by page, talking with the child about the pictures of the little girl. Ask the child what they think the party is for. Tell the story of the pictures. Read each sentence aloud. You could then ask the child to repeat after you, or to point to individual words as you say them. As you do all these things, the child will be learning about the words and pictures. They will also be learning how we read books in English, by turning the pages carefully, moving our eyes from left to right to follow the words.
When you have gone through the story, see if the child can find the correct pair of shoes for each child on pages 22 and 23. They will have to look carefully at the picture on pages 20 and 21 to do so. Above all, help the child to enjoy this book. In this way, they should become interested in reading. Then they will want to learn more and become independent readers!