The publication in 1611 of the King James Bible, the 'authorized version', was a landmark event in English history that has reverberated down the centuries. This festival service seeks to trace through history the place of the Bible in Christian life and worship, as well as celebrating the effect the King James Bible has had on generations of Christians since its publication.
The festival service is in five parts, each reflecting on a particular phase in the story of the Bible's translation and use:
* The Early Church
* A Bible in Every Church
* Appointed to be Read in Churches
* Into all the World
* According to the Latest Translation
It includes a varied selection of hymns and worship songs, readings and anthems, including some specially written for this festival.
Includes works by:
* Philip Wilby
* David Ogden
* Thomas Hewitt Jones
* The Taizé Community
* Stuart Towned
as well as music by Attwood, Batten, Handel and Mendelssohn.