Sun Cults versus Thunder Cults - Punic Origins of Druidism and Christianity
"Sun Cults versus Thunder Cults-Punic Origins of Druidism and Christianity" is a report of cultural globalization research conducted with abductive semiotic, semantic, and etymologic methods. This treatise proves that Druidism and Christianity were established by sun-worshipping Punic colonizers of Europe. Assyrian-Egyptian-Philistine-Phoenician Punic sun cults established Druidism and Christianity to quell Greek-Roman-Babylonian-Jewish thunder cults. Thunder cults won this struggle with power of Rome. Druidism amalgamated into Christianity and disappeared; Sun cult Christianity amalgamated into thunder cult Judaism and disappeared. Thus sun theology surrendered and amalgamated with thunder theology, and Christianity as thunder cult-as we know it-became forged.