There is a huge concern in America today that the country is in decline, one of the few sentiments that – nationally – our increasingly polarized political leaders can agree on. Americans fear that the economy and our culture itself are in deep crisis. They are also frustrated that the ruling classes are unable to fix America’s problems. Kim R. Holmes’ Rebound taps into these concerns, taking a fresh look at how America has moved away from the principles and practices that once made it the world’s greatest nation. Far from accepting America’s inevitable decline, as so many today do, Holmes argues that decline is a choice, not an inevitability or destiny. To restore our culture, revitalize our economy, and ensure we return to being the world’s number one power, America must reconnect with its historical DNA: the ingredients of its greatness. This book lays out the vision and roadmap for how America can bounce back, with examples from throughout our nation’s history that prove we’ve always been able to meet the challenges facing us, no matter how largely they may loom.
Foreword by: Michael Novak