An examination of possibilities for city-wide green roof development through 335 color photographs, 40 in-depth building case studies, and 7 municipal case studies of Berlin, Tokyo, London, Portland, Chicago, Toronto, and New York.
Cooling cities, reducing energy demand, containing water runoff, preserving wildlife habitat, enhancing urban well-being... These are a few of the many reasons why green roofs are sprouting in cities around the world. Examine possibilities for city-wide green roof development through 335 color photographs, 40 case studies of exemplary green roof building projects, and 7 municipal case studies describing green roofs in Berlin, Tokyo, London, Portland, Chicago, Toronto, and New York.
This book details the ecological benefits, technical requirements, architectural history, and design possibilities of vegetated rooftops. Green Roofs: Ecological Design and Construction will inform and inspire communities, designers, building owners, and local leaders by showcasing the environmental and aesthetic potential of green roofs around the world.
Architect William McDonough, a leader of the sustainable development movement, provides an opening essay that considers green roofs as part of a larger project to harmonize the natural and built environments.