Excel at editing!
The editor's job encompasses much more than correcting commas and catching typos. Your chief mission is to help writers communicate effectively--which is no small feat. Whether you edit books, magazines, newspapers, or online publications, your ability to develop clear, concise, and focused writing is the key to your success.
The Editor's Companion is an invaluable guide to honing your editing skills. You'll learn about editing for:
CONTENT: Analyze and develop writing that is appealing and appropriate for the intended audience.
FOCUS: Ensure strong beginnings and satisfying endings, and stick with one subject at a time.
PRECISE LANGUAGE: Choose the right words, the right voice, and the right tense for every piece.
GRAMMAR: Recognize common mistakes in punctuation, parts of speech, and sentence structure--and learn how to avoid them.
You'll also find valuable editing resources and checklists, advice on editorial relationships and workflow, and real-life samples of editing with explanations of what was changed and why. The Editor's Companion provides the tools you need to pursue high quality in editing, writing, and publishing--every piece, every time.