With the benefits carried by the technological advancements, the cyberspace today has become a common pool used by citizens, businesses, critical information infrastructure, military and governments in a fashion that makes it hard to induce clear boundaries among these different groups. The cyberspace is anticipated to become even more complex in the upcoming years, with the increase in networks and devices connected to it. The Internet has now become all-encompassing; it touches the lives of every human being. We cannot undermine the benefits of Internet, however its anonymous nature allows miscreants to indulge in various cybercrimes. Cybercrime is “international” or “transnational” – there are `no cyber-borders between countries’. International cybercrimes often challenge the effectiveness of domestic and international law and law enforcement. Because existing laws in many countries are not tailored to deal with cybercrime, criminals increasingly conduct crimes on the Internet in order to take advantages of the less severe punishments or difficulties of being traced. No matter in developing or developed countries, governments and industries have gradually realized the colossal threats of cybercrime on economic and political security and public interests. Cyber law is a recently developed branch of law that responds to the necessity of a structured and comprehensive set of regulations addressing the rapidly growing use of computers, digital devices, internet and other networks. Activities and transactions operated over the internet, and with the general use of information technology, present peculiarities that have produced specifically tailored civil and criminal laws. Issues regarding privacy, data sharing, cyber threats and child pornography are a few of those presented in this book. Providing an overview of past and present solutions to some of those matters, alongside the analysis of selected difficulties, the book aims at giving the reader reference tools too cohesively and critically look at the legal framework development. Suggestions deriving from local solutions are seen here as the possible foundation of a global legal thought development.
Cyber security is considered to be a hot topic in international law today and very pertinent to international security discussions. It is crucially important that civil society have access to safe and secure internet.