The Bartletts' guide to amphibians provides up-to-date accounts, range maps, and photos of the 239 recognized species and subspecies of frogs, toads, treefrogs, and salamanders found in eastern and central North America, from west Texas to Manitoba, to the eastern seaboard. Species descriptions are grouped by family, and each entry details size, appearance, behavior, range/habitat, prey, and similar species. For ease of use, description, map, and color photo are organized on the same page. In the general introduction, the authors provide an overview of taxonomy, habitats, and population trends, including species in decline. Devoted solely to amphibians, this authoritative and user-friendly guide will appeal to a broad range of users, from hobbyists and amateur naturalists wanting to quickly identify neighborhood frogs to biologists and herpetologists seeking a focused, well-organized and detailed, fully illustrated field guide.