Barron’s Nursing School Entrance Exams provides detailed review and practice materials that you need to achieve success on the various Nursing School Entrance Exams (including the HESI A2, NLN PAX-RN, PSB-RN, RNEE, and the TEAS).
This edition features:
A multi-part exam that covers all of the topic areas and question types seen on most nursing school entrance exams
A diagnostic test so you can assess your strengths and weaknesses in each topic area before beginning your review
Comprehensive review and practice material for all Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension, and Numerical Ability topics
An entire review and practice section for all Science topics, with each section broken down into an outline format for quick studying and sample tests for every topic
Test-taking strategies and answers to frequently asked questions about preparing for your entrance exam
Strategies for answering each question type
You’ll also get information about nursing programs and the profession in general.