Wee Khee Seah; Kenneth Mingjie Lim; Gary Cheng Feng Lee; Royston Tien Sheng Ong; Nicholas Wei Xiong Yeo World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd (2008) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Shu Yen Lee; Kelvin Yi Chong Teo; Gemmy Chui Ming Cheung; Chee Wai Wong; Andrew Shih Hsiang Tsai; Daniel Shu Wei Ting World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd (2015) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Find chemistry boring in the classrooms? Cannot remember or understand the concepts? Never thought that it can be used outside the classroom? Now, cheMagic brings together the intelligent use of chemistry concepts, methods and techniques to entertain and captivate your audience while enhancing your understanding of chemistry. From preparation to presentation, no stone is left unturned and no question left unanswered. Learn how to make Pyrex glassware shine, make steam rise from a teapot, and even start a fire that does not burn! Learn while you play! This book will kickstart your learning journey in chemistry and develop you into a true cheMagician!An innovative book developed by NUS High School of Math and Science, Singapore, this book showcases the quality of work and the brand name of a specialist school in science. The book will attract many readers from other schools who want to understand how students experiment, explore and excel in this research-focused environment.