The "Turbulence and Interactions 2006" (TI2006) conference was held on the island of Porquerolles, France, May 29-June 2, 2006. The scientific sponsors of the conference were * Association Francaise de Mecanique, * CD-adapco, * DGA * Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), * ERCOFTAC : European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, * FLUENT, * The French Ministery of Foreign Affairs, * Laboratoire de Modelisation en Mecanique, Paris 6, * ONERA. The conference was a unique event. Never before have so many organisations concerned with turbulence works come together in one conference. As the title "Turbulence and Interactions" anticipated, the workshop was not run with parallel sessions but instead of one united gathering where people had strong interactions and discussions. Many of the 85 or so attendants were veterans of previous ERCOFTAC conferences. Some young researchers attended their very first int- national meeting. The organisers were fortunate in obtaining the presence of the following - vited speakers: N. Adams (TUM, Germany), C. Cambon (ECL, France), J.-P. Dussauge (Polytech Marseille, France), D.A. Gosman (Imperial College, UK), Y. Kaneda (Nagoya University, Japan), O. Simonin (IMFT, France), G. Tryggvason (WPI, USA), D. Veynante (ECP, France), F. Waleffe (University of Wisconsin, USA), Y.K. Zhou (University of California, USA). The topics covered by the 59 papers ranged from experimental results through theory to computations. The papers of the conference went through the usual - viewing process for two special issues of international journals : Computers and Fluids, and Flow, Turbulence and Combustion.