Giving strategic direction to a business corporation means understanding what drives the creation of value and what destroys it. The corporation needs to understand the risks which it can take and the risks which it should avoid. Hence, to grow any business entails risk judgement and risk acceptance. A corporation's ability to prosper in the face of risk, at the same time responding to unplanned events, good or bad, is a prime indicator of its ability to compete. In the recent times, risk exposure is becoming greater, more complex, diverse and dynamic. This has arisen in no small part from rapid changes in technology, speed of communication, globalisation of business and the rate of change within markets. In view of this, the book contains articles related to risk management in banking, insurance, financial services and other allied areas. It develops and enhances expertise and understanding of various risks faced by the banking, insurance and financial services sector. Further, it examines the mechanism of designing and usage of various specific risk mitigating options and strategies available. The book also discusses the necessary framework, approach and process of enterprise risk management.