The Physiotherpist's Toolbox series is incredibly student-centric, with books written by young authors in-touch with the way their students learn and want information presented. For this reason the books will do well through the student rep scheme, but because of the series' emphasis on EBP and independent reasoning, they will also be popular with the more forward thinking lecturers.
This book, along with Fox et al./'Decision-making in MSK Clinical Practice' make up the level 3 component of the series. By level 3 (approx 3000 students ps) all physio students need to be able to clinically reason and demonstrate evidence-based practice.
Not only is it essential for physios to understand the pathology in order to decide on the most effective course of treatment, but it is becoming more and more important that they understand the pathology to the extent that they can explain it in laymans terms to the patient, who as in all likelihood already done a google search on his/her ailment and already has already formed opinions on suitable treatment themselves.
Pathological processes can be incredibly complex and difficult for the student to understand, let alone for a patient to comprehend. Fox and Day's approach is incredibly forward thinking and prepares students for exactly this kind of situation when they are on placement and as such is sure to be popular with students and lecturers alike.