From Timbuktu to the Mississippi Delta explores how West African standards of aesthetics and sociocultural traits have moved into mainstream American culture and become social norms.
I was curious to know why African Americans (and the country as a whole, for that matter) began clapping on beats two and four, and why we'd get dirty looks if we were caught clapping on the wrong beat. I had a desire to know why the identity of the music of our nation, with its majority population of European descent, had the musical textures, bent pitches, and blue notes of Africa. I wondered why a sense of swing developed here that was closer in syncopation to African culture than to the classical music of Vienna or the Paris Opera. And finally, I wanted to know why our nation's youth moved suggestively on the dance floor with their hips - movements that are closer in aesthetics to African dance than to ballet. The journey began on the banks of the mighty Niger River.