Sean Wilentz; Sanford Levinson; William Deresiewicz; Ramachandra Guha; Erica McAlpine; Steven B Smith; Ange Mlinko; Abram Liberties Journal Foundation (2024) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Focusing on time-tested protocols, tailored imaging and current procedural equipment, this popular, practical handbook by Drs. Krishna Kandarpa, Lindsay Machan, Robert Lewandowski, and Parag J. Patel features extensive updates to keep you current with rapid growth in the field. Now in brilliant full color throughout, Kandarpa Handbook of Interventional Radiologic Procedures, 6th Edition, is a convenient, easy-access guide to all current radiologic procedures. It’s an ideal resource not only for practicing interventional and general radiologists, but also for fellows and residents in training, IR nurses, and special procedure technologists.
Covers indications, contraindications, preparation, technique, postprocedural management, prevention, and management of complications for every procedure.
Includes expanded information on innovative oncological & lymphatic interventions.
Features an all-new full-color design and illustrations, and an outline format for quick reference.
Provides must-know information on vascular access and catheter-directed angiography, vascular imaging, trans-arterial procedures, trans-venous procedures, non-vascular procedures, and intra-procedural patient management. The VST Ebook includes additional chapters on Non-invasive Evaluation and Diagnostic Imaging, Special Interventions, Materials and Methods, Risk Management, and Nursing Management
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