Christian Drosten; Manfred Weitz; Thomas Meyer; Andreas Roth; Marcus Panning; Ulf Göbel; Annette Moter; Lutz von Müller Urban&Fischer/Elsevier (2011) Irtolehti
Anke Borgmeyer; Herbert E. Brekle; Werner Chrobak; Silvia Codreanu-Windauer; Lutz-Michael Dallmeier; Katrin Eichler Pustet, Friedrich GmbH (2009) Kovakantinen kirja
Reprintnoe notnoe izdanie Lutz, Meyer "Carmen up to Data Polka".Zhanry: Polkas; Dances; For piano; Scores featuring the piano; For 1 player.My sozdali speczial'no dlya Vas, ispol'zuya sobstvennye zapatentovannye texnologii proizvodstva...