The Longman History Digital Media Archive was created as a tool to ease and enhance instructor's lecture preparation. Longman provides instructors with one CD-ROM, which conveniently houses a variety of PowerPoint Presentations and hyperlinked slideshows, giving you the power to use multi-media presentations in a few simple steps. The presentations on the CD-ROM contain four types of media content: images, maps, interactive maps, and audio/video clips.
The images and maps are similar to electronic transparencies, while the interactive maps and audio/video clips provide additional multimedia capabilities. You'll never have to worry about ripping, losing, or disorganizing your media presentation. It is all right here, ready for easy incorporation into your lecture.
The Longman History Digital Media Archive was created as a tool to ease and enhance instructor's lecture preparation. Longman provides instructors with one CD-ROM, which conveniently houses a variety of PowerPoint Presentations and hyperlinked slideshows, giving you the power to use multi-media presentations in a few simple steps. The presentations on the CD-ROM contain four types of media content: images, maps, interactive maps, and audio/video clips.
The images and maps are similar to electronic transparencies, while the interactive maps and audio/video clips provide additional multimedia capabilities. You'll never have to worry about ripping, losing, or disorganizing your media presentation. It is all right here, ready for easy incorporation into your lecture.